Area: 4,000 sf
/Location: San Francisco, CA
/typology: Hospitality, Adaptive Reuse
/year: 2018
/ /A convivial hall, linking history and context, operating at the scale of the Bay.
Set within the Historic Landmark District of Fort Mason Center for Arts and Culture, Radhaus is part of the ongoing transformation of a former military base into a vibrant arts destination in San Francisco. The design reasserts the features of a former Army marine machine shop space, while integrating a contemporary use. Proprietors Aaron and Matt Hulme envisioned Radhaus as a contemporary gathering place pairing the convivial, communal essence of a German beer hall with modern interpretations of traditional Bavarian cuisine. The design extends this concept, at once modern, connected to the natural beauty of its site, and respectful of its historic setting.
With the original open-bay structure and steel roof trusses re-exposed, and steel sash windows restored, the 3,850-square foot space becomes a singular, three-story-high volume and sweeping bay views. The cuisine and design roots the beer hall concept firmly in this unique place, while thoughtfully addressing historic preservation goals as well as the technical requirements of a full-service restaurant. The restaurant engages the intimate streetscape of the FMCAC campus through two large steel and glass pivot doors that allow dining to spill outdoors, creating a connection from street to, the hall, and to the bay.
The bars and banquettes, all hewn from two salvaged Ponderosa Pines, are defining and organizing features of the hall. of Arborica, a specialist in sustainably harvested wood, sourced the five-foot diameter, wind-felled trees in the Western Sierras. The massive logs, carefully sculpted by Shively and finished on site by a local craftsman, take on a visceral presence within the soaring, light-filled space, their scale and rawness juxtaposed with polished concrete, a tile-clad “beer organ,” and expansive views.
As the setting sun bathes the bay in golden evening light, the space comes alive.